Saturday, January 26, 2013

The great Nauru housing rip-off

The Australian ‘Daily Telegram’ published on January 25, 2013 by Ms. Gemma Jones a political reporter criticizing the Nauruan house renters for the house rates being charged against the Australian officials working for the Regional Processing Centre. Ms. Jones said that the Australian ‘TAXPAYERS’ are paying more than the average rent in Sydney, and every capital in each Australian state, to lease private homes for immigration officials in Nauru.

Photographic taken by: Gemma Jones on January 25, 2013 at Baisti District

Ms. Jones said that there are 31 rooms and a conference centre at Nauru's run down ‘Menen Hotel’ which are being leased for $331,500 for six months to provide beds for staff working on the offshore processing centre for asylum seekers. She further stressed that the rates are high in comparison to other homes in Nauru – "a country where wages are low"

She said “An average mid-level public servant earns $150 a week and lower paid workers get by on $75.

Picture is taken from Google Menen Hotel. 

However, according to Mr. Sandi Logan the department's national communications manager, Mr Logan said that their staffs were not "living in luxury as this is not Sydney or Melbourne, but a small island"Now the interesting thing that possibly most of those Nauruan affected would like to see are the Nauru and Australia Government responses on their behalf since it is their initiatives that they become involved in the whole RPC scheme. 

Photographic taken from the Australian News 

On another important note, the article published by the Ms. Jones is regarded as an international insult for the Nauruan house owners and relatives, since they have been criticized above and beyond the signed agreement for land and house use, between them and the Australian and Nauru Government officials. 

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