This morning
at 10:00am, Parliament resumed and no quorum, so Speaker Hon. Godfrey Thoma adjourned
the house till Thursday 2, May 2013 at the same time.
Tuesday, April 30, 2013
Friday, April 26, 2013

according to the Government, since the former Speaker of Parliament the Hon.
Ludwig Scotty has read the dissolution notice delivered by His Excellency President Sprent
Dabwido, the seven days process for the members of parliament to constest the motion
has expired, as it is clearly stated under the Constitution of Nauru in Article
41 (4) which states:
Speaker has, under clause (2.) of this Article, referred the advice of the
President to Parliament, and no resolution for the removal from office of the
President and Ministers under Article 24 is approved after the date on which
the advice was so referred, he shall dissolve Parliament on the seventh day
after that date.”
Today, parliament is known to be
legally dissolved as the seven days has expired. But unfortunately, the Speaker
Hon. Godfrey Thoma along with his party the opposition are not willing to
accept the dissolution. Despite their promises of having to dissolve parliament
appropriately, they have breached the Supreme Law and should be arrested
Nauru politicians are at the verge of
breaking every law on the country to allow their dirty ambitions to take place.
The Nauruan’s wants an election since both the Government and Parliament are
not functioning as they both should be, but it seems that the opposition party
are very adamant to delaying the process moreover.
Thus, all the drama has not helped the
Nauruan’s to understand more of the process, but as only being made confused by
the interview made by Mr Keke, in which he claimed that they have not been
given the chance to contest the president’s dissolution notice.
In fact, they have been given the
opportunity yesterday Thursday 25, April 2013 to contest the motion after the
appointment of the new Speaker Mr. Thoma, who is a member of their party, but
they decide to adjourned the house to prolong parliament and ensure that
their political ambitions are achieved, thus the one day extension has cost
them more than they expect.
All eyes on Nauru are now on the
President His Excellency Sprent Dabwido to deliver his big right to wrap up everything
to put the nation back into it normal state of sound mind.
Thursday, April 25, 2013

The Clerk as Chairperson for the sitting started off,
by putting before the members of parliament a call for nomination of the Speaker.
Two nominations were made one by the
Hon. Marcus Stephen M.P member for Ewa/Anetan and the Hon. Milton Dube M.P
member for Aiwo.
Mr. Stephen nominated the Hon. Godfrey Thoma M.P
member for Aiwo and Mr. Dube, nominated the Hon. Baron Waqa member for Boe.
Both nominees accepted the nominations and a secret ballot took place. Few
minutes later, the Clerk announced the results and they were, Mr. Thoma 10 and
Mr. Waqa 8.
Thus, Mr. Thoma was escorted to his seat by the
nominator and the seconder, then as Speaker, Mr. Thoma started off his day by
thanking his supporters for entrusting him to take up office of the Speaker and
then adjourned parliament till tomorrow at 10:00am.
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
Today Nauru Parliament resume and was quickly adjourned due to not having a Speaker to transact the business of the house.
Thus, many new precedents has been set in place by the opposition party
as their Deputy Speaker Mr. Landon Deireragea is not willing to take up the
seat to call for the nomination of the Speaker and that leaves parliament in
deadlock of 9/9.
Therefore, parliament is given a 7 days period to appoint a Speaker or
otherwise, it will automatically dissolve.
Nauruan’s have been watching the news and hearing radio FM 105 to follow
the development in parliament, but unfortunately members of the opposition party
are acting like pigs that are really desperate for power.
Though Nauru is a very small country, it could be the worse country that
involves itself in many corruption cases behind the scene.
On Saturday the 20th of April 2013, a Russian aircraft was
denied landing on the Island by the Civil Aviation due to calling for SOS and
asking for Mr Keiren Keke.
People wonder if whether if a Russian aircraft was to call for SOS in
Australia they will contact the tower operator and ask for Tony Abbott.
This doesn’t make any sense at all. Despite the fact that His Excellency
President Sprent Dabwido is the Head of State, why are they asking for Keiren
Things are getting very suspicious.
Thursday, April 18, 2013
Today parliament resumed and all members attend. The session begin with the Speaker of Parliament the Hon. Ludwig Scotty reading the official appointment of the new Clerk of Parliament Mrs. Anne-marie, following the reading of His Excellency’s letters addressed to the Speaker on the 15th of April 2013.
In the letters, the Speaker read the President’s decision to dissolve parliament in a very short sentence. Note exact wording will be published soon!
However, the Speaker of Parliament adjourned the house for 15 minutes and resigned from the chair. Thus, the Deputy Speaker of Parliament the Hon. Landon Deireragea a member of the opposition party didn’t want to reconvene parliament, but allowing it hang.
Hence, while the entire pressure is on in Parliament, the Parliamentary Counsel Dr. Katy Leroy is playing the role as the advisor for the opposition party, in which her partner the Hon. Roland Kun is a member.
Besides all that is happen, Clerk of Parliament Mrs. Anne-marie Thoma had a crack from the Deputy Speaker of Parliament the Hon. Landon Deireragea for ringing the bell. The Deputy Speaker Mr. Deireragea walked into parliament very angry and turned off the bell and called the Clerk of Parliament upstairs to verbally abuse her.
His Excellency President Sprent Dabwido went after the Deputy Speaker and the Clerk as they went directly to where the opposition party were gathering, and unfortunately, the Hon. Keiren Keke rose up and challenged the President into a dual.
However, more update will be posted as the whole situation develops. FYI, parliament left hanging by the Deputy Speaker Hon. Landon Deireragea.
Wednesday, April 17, 2013
Media interviewed one of the prominent members of the opposition party the Hon.
Keiren Keke regarding their absence from the Tuesday parliamentary meeting that
was convened at 2:00pm.
to Mr. Keke; he and his colleagues including the Hon. Marcus Stephen and the
Hon. Roland Kun were very disappointed with the President’s decision to cowardly
reconvening parliament knowingly that they have left the country on Monday to
attend other important businesses that are significantly important for the
Keke said; the President has assured his Minister the Hon. Riddell Akua who
travelled with them on the same day that there will be no parliament sitting this
week as the Minister was sent on official government business overseas.
after they have learned about the parliament sitting that was convened during
their absences they all have to cancel their trips and returned immediately after
just departing on Monday.
to Mr Keke, whatsoever the outcome of tomorrow’s sitting will be determined by the
outcome of parliament.
Parliament is schedule to resume tomorrow at 10:00am, more update will be posted.
Parliament is schedule to resume tomorrow at 10:00am, more update will be posted.
just want to inform readers that the following information to be stated under
this blog are based on hearsay and does not have any supporting substances, but
more or less an informal justifications of Nauru’s political parties.
parliament’s first break yesterday for 15 minutes for not having a quorum to
proceed on with the President’s dissolution notice, the Speaker of Parliament
the Hon. Ludwig Scotty advises the house that they are short of one member.
However for readers information, one of those ten members not turning up for the sitting
was the Minister for Finance the Hon. Dominic Tabuna.
the Speaker of Parliament the Hon. Ludwig Scotty advises His Excellency
President Sprent Dabwido to locate his Minister as they are going to have a
short break and will comeback after 15 minutes.
the bell rang and the meeting reconvene the Speaker informed the house that
there is still no quorum and thus parliament will be adjourned till the 18th
of April 2013.
this week on Monday 15th of April 2013, the office of the Secretary
for Cabinet Mr. Sasi Kumar issued a circular to notify all the members of
parliament that there will be a meeting on Tuesday 16th of April
2013 at 2:00pm.
the turn-out of members for the meeting was very disappointing. There are only
eight members out of 19 attended the meeting. However, according to the government
source, during the sitting break when the Speaker advises the President to
track his Minister Mr Tabuna, the President rang the Minister for several times
and received no answer.
the sitting resume and the Speaker adjourned the house due to shortage of
members attending to state a quorum.
with the source from the Opposition party, the President assured the members of
parliament that there will be no meeting to be convened this week and have
released one of his Ministers, the Hon. Riddell Akua, Minister for Transport
and CIE to travel at the sitting date.
some members of the Opposition party claimed that the letters have reached
them, but very late. They claimed that what had happened yesterday was a
deliberate act of sabotage by the President to try and destroy their repetitions and
the political career.
said, even the Minister who have left the island along with the three members
of parliament the Hon. Marcus Stephen, Hon. Keiren Keke and Hon. Roland were
very disappointed with the President’s action and thus will be returning to the
Island on today’s flight from Fiji to attend the next sitting of parliament
tomorrow as scheduled by the Speaker.
opposition source said, the members overseas feel like they’ve been denied and
deprived from their basic rights as members of parliament to represent their constituencies.
Thus, they are coming back today to avail themselves in tomorrow’s parliament.
sitting for tomorrow is expected to be the closing of the twentieth parliament of
Nauru where the Speaker of Parliament the Hon. Ludwig Scotty will be reading
the President’s dissolution notice to parliament, and members of parliament to
support the motion to formally dissolve the house and head straight into a
general election.
Tuesday, April 16, 2013
Today more frustration is
increasing in Nauru over the political crisis. Members of Parliament including
those who have caused the Nation to shamble Marcus Stephen, Keiren Keke, Landon
Deireragea, Roland Kun, Godfrey Thoma, Matthew Batsiua, Freddie Pitcher,
Riddell Akua and Dominic Tabuna didn't attend today’s parliament
sitting, so parliament has been adjourned till Thursday 18th of
April 2013, due to lack of quorum.
The turn-out of
parliament today has to be blamed on the Chief Justice Mr. Geoffrey Eames a QC
from the Melbourne bar who came to Nauru to change how the situation should be
handled. The President and Speaker have made it clear during their decisions to
dissolve parliament to avoid this kind of parliament games, which will affect
the entire country and its people. Thus, the Chief
Justice Mr Eames is not on the island and people are wondering what he will say
about this commotion?
Friday, April 12, 2013
After a long political saga that eventually resulted in the
parliamentary dissolution injunction on the 15th of March 2013, by the Chief Justice of
the Supreme Court Mr. Geoffrey Eames, The President of the Republic of Nauru
His Excellency President Sprent Dabwido has announced earlier today his
withdrawal for the dissolution notice that he submitted to the Speaker of
Parliament the Hon. Ludwig Scotty on the 1st of March 2013.
The President’s announcement comes in a
form of surprise as he is been on the island since he returned last week from
his overseas referral in India, but remained in silence until today, before the
expiration date of the Supreme Court’s order issued on the 15th of March 2013, which direct the
Speaker of Parliament the Hon. Ludwig Scotty to reconvene parliament and cancel
the April election. According to the President, he said the Speaker is a
man of integrity and by withdrawing the notice to dissolve parliament avoid
subjecting the Speaker to Contempt of Court and any legal consequences.
His Excellency President Dabwido also
expressed his personal disappointment over the Court decision for disregarding
the principles of the separation of powers. President Dabwido said he will
sit with the Speaker of Parliament to discuss a date for the next parliament
sitting and will assure the Nauruan’s that their wish for a fresh election will
not be ignored.
Thursday, April 11, 2013
the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Nauru Mr. Geoffrey Eames has issued a
verdict against the Speaker of Parliament the Hon. Ludwig Scotty on the 15th of March 2013, the Chief Justice also make clear with his decision that the
Speaker must reconvene parliament in no later than 28 days after the decision
to the Chief Justice, if the Speaker fails to recall parliament before the date
expired which is tomorrow Friday 12th of April 2013, the Speaker
will be arrested for contempt of court.
if parliament did not resume tomorrow, then Nauru and all Nauruan’s will be
witnessing an amazing event which could be describe as the ‘CLASH OF THE TITANS’.
Never and I will
repeat, never have we seen this happened in Nauru and this could be the first
time, where the President of the Republic of Nauru, the Speaker of Nauru
Parliament and the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Nauru will collide.
stay tune people for more date on this matter tomorrow.
Saturday, April 6, 2013
it is officially confirmed that Nauru’s general election is cancelled in
compliance with the decision issued by Chief Justice Mr Geoffrey Eames QC, on 15,
March 2013.
have happened today is very unfortunate for all the people of Nauru, since the election
date has now laps and the president since his return to the country on Monday
have never made any public announcement to inform the people in advance of what
is going to happen, but have allowed the people to find it out themselves.
the president owed every single Nauruan young and old, rich and poor, strong
and weak a very big apology for what he has done. He should have never instigated
this whole dissolution thing if he knows he will never deliver on his own
there be any tom, dick and harry who wants to believe in any public declaration
without wavering, it must come directly from the office of the president
nothing more and nothing less.
has marked the incompetency of the current president to leading the country and
it is strongly suggested by many that he should resign for not delivering on
his own words to the nation.
needs a strong leader who would stand to deliver on his own words, and not a
weak leader who will stir up troubles and later realise that he must heed his
face from the people to hide his shame.
Sprent Dabwido and the Speaker of Parliament the Hon. Ludwig Scotty must both
resign from their offices for misleading the country and its people before the
eyes of the international community.
Thursday, April 4, 2013
Nauru in Silence
Today as expected by many who have been
following Nauru Politics, the President is back on the Island and has not made
any media appearance which is very unfortunate.
People will note that the cause of the Nauru’s
ongoing political crisis is due to the President’s personal act of negligence and
arrogance to accepting his former cabinet and caucus decision to eliminate the
Nauru RCI agreement that’s been introduced by the president.
On top of that, the biggest mistake the
president may have done is when he personally appeared on Nauru Television
News to criticise his team by calling them ‘white ears’ and ‘businessmen’, which
resulted in the current Nauru’s political situation.
Readers will note that the President is the
actual person who advised the Speaker of Parliament the Hon. Ludwig Scotty to
dissolve parliament and unfortunately, the Speaker has been challenged in court
for deliberating on the president’s recommendation.
Thus, the President since he had caused all
these problems has been in silence and was never been heard by the public.
Despite the fact that there are many concerns
arising from the public regarding the Chief Justice injunction on the election,
the president just let the country into ruin.
For readers information, this has never happened in the
history of Nauru politics.
The question now will be, ‘is the President
going to advice the Speaker of Parliament to reconvene parliament?’ if ‘Yes’,
then he will be the jokomoko president to ever hold the office.
Stay tune people for more update.
Wednesday, April 3, 2013
Political Slight Update
Excellency President Sprent Dabwido is schedule to return to Nauru tomorrow
after undergoing medical referral in India. The interesting issue now that’s been
discuss by many Nauruan’s is, if whether the President will proceed on with his
decision to call for an election this coming Saturday 6, April 2013.
Now it is
time to see how the three separations of powers virtually operate, since many
thought that the President and the Speaker of Parliament has more powers than
the Supreme Court when it comes to politics and not the Chief Justice.
Stay tune
for more update tomorrow.
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